Wanting to benchmark our stock against the best in the country, we started showing in 2006 at Sydney Royal.
We are very passionate about showcasing the best of our genetics and love the friendships made with others that share our passion for the sheep industry.
Look for us at Sydney Royal, NSW Sheep Show, Australian Sheep & Wool Show and Adelaide Royal.
Bauer and Retallack Border Leicester Stud Claims the Breed’s Top Honour
A Border Leicester ewe which claimed supreme champion of the breed was acquired months earlier through the purchase of another stud in Ariah Park, NSW.
The August 2021-drop ewe was shown by Bauer and Retallack Border Leicester stud principals Jamie and Tracey Buerckner during the Australian Sheep & Wool Show at Bendigo on Saturday.
The Buerckner family has owned the Bauer stud since 2004, but purchased the adjoining Retallack stud in December 2021.
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The ewe which won the top honour at Bendigo was a Retallack ewe, 421, and formed part of an eight ewe, nine ram team consigned by the NSW stud.
It comes as Border Leicesters were the feature breed of the 2022 ASWS.
Mr Buerckner said he was "ecstatic" with the result after it knocked off the grand champion ram.
"We were worried with a ewe going out against a ram in the end because it's always difficult," he said.
"When we got out there, she just performed really well and stood up and showed herself off."
The feature ewe will be retained by the stud and used to produce top-progeny offspring.
"The new stud has allowed us to double our ewe numbers and they both offer very similar types of sheep," Mr Buerckner said.
"The property was right next door to ours so it's given us a very good venture into new facilities and genetics."
Ellingerrin Border Leicester stud, Modewarre, claimed the grand champion Border Leicester ram with a yearling ram.
The competition was also supported by a $5000 grant from First National Real Estate Tweed Sutherland, Bendigo.
Border Leicester judge Ian Gilmore, Baringa Border Leicester, Australian White, White Suffolk and Boer Goat stud, Oberon, NSW, said it was a tough task to judge the breed.
"I've judged three feature sales at Bendigo and I genuinely believe this is by far the strongest line up of sheep throughout the shed," he said.
"I didn't penalise a single animal... and in judging this class I congratulate the exhibitors.
"I loved the strength and the power of the ram, and I loved the power and femininity of the ewe."
Border Leicester Victorian branch committee Ian Baker said 20 studs from across Australia took part in the exhibition.
That figure included 157 lots.
"It was excellent I thought," he said.
"We had a good audience of people there, along with our sponsors which really made the show.
"People travelled a long way to the event to support us so it was really pleasing to see so many sheep there for the feature, and the quality was excellent.
Mr Baker said he thought the breed was "on the move again".
"I think people have worked out that there is nothing better than a Border Leicest/Merino-cross ewe to breed fat lambs," he said.
"This has helped with the breeders popularity because the Border industry last year was the most successful season the breed has seen for flock ram sales."
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